Walkers - Pickled Onion (UK)

Ever since my review of Monster Munch - Pickled onion, I have had a backlash from the Monster Munch aficionados. Don't expect me to just roll over and admit that I was wrong to discredit the family favourite. I stand by my comments and maintain the view that the flavour is great but the crisps themselves are a joke... there, I said it! I guess I have never been a fan of a maize snack, particularly when there is a serious potato or corn option available. It is for this reason, when I spotted Walkers - Pickled Onion at a Finsbury Park off-licence, I knew I had to review them to further demonstrate my point. I must say, I do prefer the thicker cut cauldron cooked variety of potato crisps and this packet is just your regular thin cut crisp. In saying that, there are a lot of thinly cut crisp manufacturers around but I believe Walkers do it best. They have managed to create a finely cut crisp that does not compromise on crunch. Like a teenage gymnast turned high school PE teacher, Walkers Pickled Onion are sour with a vinegary tang and they don’t spare on the salt. Yet they are light and one could eat them until your mouth is full of ulcers, your teeth fall out and your heartburn becomes and all out heart attack! A quality crisp and I would like to see them a lot more regularly. ⋆⋆⋆⋆

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