Terra - Zesty Tomato Exotic Vegetable Chips (USA)

There are a few brands out there these days that are doing the vegetable crisp option and I have been wanting to review a packet for some time. However, most of them are simply not good. In particular the Beetroot crisps, which are, for lack of a better expression, shit. Terra Zesty Tomato, on the other hand, are the bee's knees! One of the most superior crunch crisps you will ever have the pleasure of biting down on. Even better than biting down on your bottom lip in the throws of sexual ecstasy! The zesty tomato flavour is just the perfect amount to allow the flavour of each veggie to have it’s own individuality but also adds a subtle tapestry to create an overall  flavour sensation. Each different root vegetable tastes slightly different. In each packet you will find taro, ruby sweet potato, parsnip and some things that I don’t think anyone knows what they are. The only thing we know is that they are delicious and like with all vegetable crisps, it actually feels like your eating something healthy even though your not! Amazing! And if you're not convinced by my review, check out this knob head http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xmNBt-KvQE ⋆⋆⋆⋆½

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