Tyrells - Sweet Chilli & Red Pepper (UK)

First of all I would like to say I'm excited to be reviewing one of the UK premier independent crisp manufacturers. Tyrells are well known for their honest crisps and mildly amusing take on the everything British eg. The Tyrells Alternative Five-A-Day (found on the back of the packet). So down to it, Tyrells Sweet Chilli & Red Pepper are a thick cut 'Kettle' Style crisp. They are oily!You can almost see the oil in them and in some cases I do believe an over oily crisp can compromise a sophisticated crunch. It almost gives off a stale crunch. The right oil to crisp ratio must be one of the more difficult goals, crisp manufacturers have to face. As far as flavour goes they got it spot on. Not particularly spicy but this is a flavour you could set your watch to! Very well done in that respect. All in all a good crisp. I will definitely give Tyrells another go and perhaps the stale crunch was not down to oil but just this particular packet. Perhaps another flavour for me next time but if your trying Tyrells for the first time, I highly recommend Sweet Chilli & Red Pepper. 

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