Mackies of Scotland - Scotch Bonnet Chilli Pepper (UK)

My apologies the review have been few and far between of late but even the Crisp Connoisseur must admit that crisps are a sometimes food and this trim figure doesn't keep itself! With that said, when I purchased this pack I was particularly excited, for this crisp brand is from the motherland: Scotland. This crisp is a 'Kettle' style crisp with a decent crunch however, they remind me of a light, fat free crisp but much to my surprise they are not. Perhaps very slightly less fat than your typical crisp but not enough to warrant this lack of fullness and vigor! It's like a passing mention from the waiter at a Chinese restaurant, that they "no longer use MSG" and they still do! Not that we care anyway.  That may sound slightly hypocritical but if your going to do it, go all out! Once the feeling of deceit had worn off slightly, I turned my focus to the pack, which would have the prospective buyer lead to believe that these crisps are going to be 'Fiery Hot', but I assure you readers, this is not the case. Lacking flavour and...... vigor. 

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