Taffel Broadway - Sourcream & Onion (Finland)

I am very excited about this latest review as it is my first (hopefully of many) from mainland Europe. This particular pack of crisps is from Finland and they have produced an excellent crisp. But should we think anything less from our forward thinking Scandinavian cousins. Teffal Broadway are a shallow crinkle, thick cut crisp, reminiscent of a old Australian favourite, Ruffles, for those of you playing at home. Like any good Sourcream & Chives there is a submissive tang upon first bite quickly soothed by the calm onset of sour cream, like a Labrador rolling over inviting a tummy scratch. For a country with the finest school system in the world it is no surprise they have their crisp manufacturing sorted . An exceptional take on an old favourite. A true Tour de force. 

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