Yupi Rizadas Mayonesa (Columbia)

Mayonnaise crisps... What are you thinking? Maybe you are thinking 'these two things do not belong in the same packet'. Or, maybe you are thinking 'sounds reasonable, after all I squeeze mayonnaise on hot chips'. Or maybe you are thinking 'this is a fucking outrage and I refuse to accept that these crisps exist'. Or, maybe you're mind has wandered completely and you're now thinking about cat’s balls and how we never really see them anymore and you'd forgotten they even exist. Whatever you're thinking about or whatever uneducated misconceptions you may have about Mayonnaise crisps, forget it!

These crisps are delicious. Yupi have a created a crisp with fantastic crunch. They're greasy but you'd still invite them over to meet your mother. A small ridge crinkle cut crisp - think Ruffles. The UK and Australia need to sharpen up their act because mayonnaise crisps are the way forward! ⋆⋆⋆⋆½

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