San Carlo - Piú gusto, Lime e pepe rosa (Italy)

On a recent trip around the Mediterranean, I wrote this blog entry while in Naples. Along my journey, I tried quite a few different types of crisps but none had really deserved a review. I only felt compelled to voice my opinion and overall disappointment. And this pack is no different. Rather, more an example of all of the thinly sliced, inferior crunch, tasteless crisps that this weary traveler has been forced to grow accustom too. Perhaps I've been spoiled by the delicious, thick cut, crunchy crisps of the UK for too long now and perhaps said delicious crisps of the UK are the reason for the growing rate of childhood obesity. Although Naples does seem to have it's fair share of heavy set street urchins. One young lady that caught my gaze at a Sorrento beach seemed to have no trouble getting about with no bikini top on regardless of her tiny breasts and protruding gut. There is no more proud people of their own spare tyres than the Neapolitans. Of course the apparent obesity epidemic currently sweeping Naples may actually be down to the delicious pizza, which disproves the theory that one can never have to much of a good thing. Fortunately for the Italians, their pizza is a more than suitable substitute for their unsatisfying crisps. 

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