Blair's Death Rrain - Habanero Pepper (US)

I am particularly excited about these crisps. This is an independent brand that mainly produces hot sauces but has recently plied their hand in the crisp world. Over the course of my tenure as a crisp critic/blogger, It's become a side project of mine to find the spiciest crisps on the market. On a recent trip with my good mother, up to Scotland, we stopped in at York (Lovely Town. If you have not been, I highly recommend). During our pit stop in York, I happened upon some crisps by the name of Blair's Death Rain; Habanero Pepper. The man that sold them to me actually warned me about the heat of these crisps, suggesting I may not be able to finish the entire bag. To which my proud mother replied "Oh, he will!". Blair's Death Rain; Habanero Pepper are cauldron cooked similar to that of a kettle crisp. Now I am not hear piss in your pocket. These crisps are HOT! Even smelling inside the bag could burn the hair in your nostrils! Like your Uncle at a wedding, mistaking the Wasabi for Guacamole, I was in a spot of bother. The 43g pack did not last long but the end result was watering eyes, running nose and intense lingering spice on the tongue and lips. I sometimes find myself licking the flavour of some other, lesser chilli crisps. With Blair's Death Rain; Habanero, that would be like walking over hot coals with your face. Not only were they the hottest crisp I have ever eaten, they were also the crunchiest. Aside from the heat they also have a lovely smokey flavour. A fine all effort from Death Rain and I hear they have an even Hotter flavour named "Jolokia Pepper". Intriguing! ⋆⋆⋆⋆½

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