Estrella - Varma Mackor - Limited Edition (Sweden)

On my recent trip to Sweden, I had some fantastic crisps but sadly for Estrella, one of the bigger crisp brands of Sweden, these were not top of the crop. Now, my Swedish is about as good as my molecular biology so I have no idea what Varma Mackor is but a friend was kind enough to explain that it's some kind of grilled cheese sandwich. After being told the flavour, the end result becomes evident but not even my finely tuned palate could have guessed this one. The crisps are a thin ridge cut of a medium thickness and I do enjoy a ridge cut crisp. However, the flavour is as cheesy as an American family portrait and loses it's charm quicker than a newly elected politician. This particular flavour is a Limited Edition and I think that is probably for the best. For a crisp manufacturer Estrella make a great beer! ½

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