Estrella - Varma Mackor - Limited Edition (Sweden)

On my recent trip to Sweden, I had some fantastic crisps but sadly for Estrella, one of the bigger crisp brands of Sweden, these were not top of the crop. Now, my Swedish is about as good as my molecular biology so I have no idea what Varma Mackor is but a friend was kind enough to explain that it's some kind of grilled cheese sandwich. After being told the flavour, the end result becomes evident but not even my finely tuned palate could have guessed this one. The crisps are a thin ridge cut of a medium thickness and I do enjoy a ridge cut crisp. However, the flavour is as cheesy as an American family portrait and loses it's charm quicker than a newly elected politician. This particular flavour is a Limited Edition and I think that is probably for the best. For a crisp manufacturer Estrella make a great beer! ½

Popchips - Barbeque (UK)

Firstly, I would like to say I enjoy the fact that these are called 'Chips', I am getting a little tired of the word 'Crisps', there is just too many consonants! So I have tried a few of these Popchips now and I am impressed. Initially I was going to review the Salt & Pepper, which were good, but I decided on Barbeque, which is saying something because I normally wouldn't go for Barbeque. I often find the for mentioned flavour little sickening, however not on this occasion. Popchips are not fried or baked, they are Popped! Which makes there texture like some kind of prawn cracker/ rice cracker fusion. They are crispy and crunchy like a dried out chicken bone, yet light like the midsole of a Air Jordan 1. Don't be discouraged by the lightness, I know crisps are meant to be a sometimes food but light crisps never seem to cut the mustard, yet with the Popchip one doesn't notice. The Popchip can be enjoyed by all walks of life, Slim and obese people alike. The Barbeque flavour is not to strong but plenty salty, like the woolen brim of and old Fisherman's cap. The flavour mulls around the mouth a little a first then amorously sit on the back of the tongue. I look forward to the introduction of Salt & Vinegar to the Popchip range soon, even still they get a extra half star for the rest of their range which I'm sure will feature again soon.  ½

Lay's Strong - Mocne Piri Piri (Poland)

To begin with, I am quite excited about reviewing my first pack of Lay's, the heavyweights of the crisp world! These particular Lay's are from Poland and like a solid headed Polish man, they are 'Strong'... according to the writing across the front of the packet for some reason that I don't understand. The Lay's Strong range include 'Ostre Chilli', 'Mocne Piri Piri' and 'Piekielne Wasabi' (which I would be very interested to try). With this packet, Lay's have gone for a Piri Piri flavour and as I always enjoy a spicy crisp, I was indeed looking forward to sampling them. The Piri Piri is there but not overwhelming which would be ideal for those of us that tend not to dabble in the fiery depth of Satan's spices but still purchased Gerri Halliwell's debut solo album. I'm a big fan of a crinkle cut crisp and Lay's have hit the nail on the head with this one, this crisp snaps on the tongue with the crunch of a falling Red Wood in a forest of fortune cookies. All in all a good honest crisp for any punter and certainly one which I would buy again.