As some of you are aware, I am back in Australia. While I was away, a friend of mine sent me a picture of some new crisps that came out in Australia which were a thicker cut to the usual cauldron cooked crisp. Obviously I was very excited about this and booked a flight home at once. I had a stopover in Thailand on the way but couldn’t enjoy it, as I was unable to focus my attention away from my pending purchase. Once back in Australia I did as all good returning Australians do. I bought a Chocolate milk. How I had missed that smooth chocolaty texture. The next trip was with my mother, to the supermarket, from which the highly anticipated purchase was made. Casually tossing the packet in to the shopping trolley, my mother spotted the selection I had made. She looked at me with a concerned glare. I asked my mother what was the trouble and she replied “don’t get those ones, Matt, they will break your teeth”. As I was fully aware that these crisps were thicker than the average crisp, I replied rather nonchalantly “I think I will be ok”. However, the warnings did not stop. My mother went on to explain that upon these very crisps, she chipped her tooth and when my young nephew attempted to bite through the extra chunky crisp, he required a filling. Heroically and undeterred by all the warnings, I continued on my quest to review the thickest cut crisp on the market. Tentatively, I bit down on the first crisp. Let me tell you readers, these crisps are crunchy, probably the crunchiest this connoisseur has ever come across. They are also very crispy, which I imagine would be the difficulty in creating a thicker than average crisp. The Mediterranean Herbs & Spices flavour is lightly sweet and slightly peppery with hints of oregano and rosemary. The flavour is good but not mind blowing. Despite the cautions from concerned loved ones I thought the chunky crisps were a success. There was a lot of bubble crisps and folded crisps in this packet, which makes for an exciting time! ⋆⋆⋆⋆
Valuable and insightful but worth upgrading my insurance? These crisps sound rather risqué!